President Trump!


Well, things have settled down a little.

Trump is going to be an interesting president, that much is clear.

The right wing nuts are going to be a little disappointed. He is not a KKK supporter. He does not advocate monoculturalism. He is really rather flexible on a lot of these issues.

Trump said a lot of rubbish to stir things up, and it worked. Now he won, his exuberance will be tempered by the realities of the role.

Many seem to think he will be great with the economy. Not so sure, but his advisors might do okay.

Where I feel he may actually be effective is in his approach to issues like Daesh.

Simplism may be just the ticket to counter their doctrine.

He has a way of shutting his ears stubbornly and persisting with his point.

Overall, I reckon a big fuss is being made over, meh, not so much.

Well he's there now, like it or not, but from the look on his face when he was sitting with President Obama today, I think the enormity of the job is just starting to dawn on him.

i'll have a little grumble,

i don't like trump, i think it's incredibly odd if people do, i mean that on a personal level, i have always thought he is simply a horrible human, and that's before any of this started, before he even announced he was running.

as a nominee i could see why he was appealing to the american people though, it's stupid to dismiss his supporters as dumb though, pissed off is better i think, the people he chased after as voters were pissed off middle aged white people and in america they will be in a few years a minority, this vote was about those people sticking 2 fingers up to the establishment of US politics, the people who are pissed off with being told "you can't say that" etc, the people who are told that their opinion is not just wrong but offensive to others.

this rant from Jonathan Pie i think is actually pretty much bang on, he puts the blame for the rise of trump at the feet of the left wing side of politics, while you can't hold the left responsible for what the right side does he is right in suggesting they are not in some way to blame.

really NSFW though this vid, his rants are usually funny (he is after all a political satirist and comedian playing a role) but this rant seems more real.


I see it as Karma for the Democrats.

Wikileaks shows that the Clintons and the top brass of the DNC used every bit of the organisation to shaft Bernie Saunders to make sure Hilary would be the DNC candidate.

If the Special Snowflakes want to be angry at anyone then their own party needs a real good looking at. As we know with most liberals however, mum mum it's everyone else's fault mum, means they will simply blame Trump instead
Hillary is stupid. She rigged the primaries to become the candidate, then wonders why she didn't win the election. The people at the bottom are having a really bad time right now and are rightly pissed off, but she didn't offer them anything whatsoever. The Dems should have fielded a candidate with left of centre policies that would help the people at the bottom. Absent that, Trump easily captured those voters simply because he promised any kind of change.

Had Sanders been the Dem candidate, he'd have been much more likely to win.


Perhaps they were worried about the Corbyn effect.

I never really took notice of Trump prior to this election. I don't watch much television, so mainly encountered him via the news. Apart from his appearances on Dave Letterman, which I used to watch. I don't think Dave liked him very much.

The problem for the Democrats is a little similar to that faced by the left wing here. They are seen, often, as some kind of outsiders. In some way it is seen as unpatriotic to engage with the world outside as equals, or to show concern for immigrants rather than blaming them for all ills.

Generalisations of course, but there is nothing the right of centre like more than stereotyping.

I wonder if Trump is a necessary evil to break the stranglehold of established politics, though I think Obama was a fairly fresh breath at the time. Perhaps it will mean no more keeping it in the family, although don't count on it if Obama's wife chooses to run next time.

One interesting aspect for me is whether this makes May feel less confident she would automatically win an early general election here; and whether Corbyn has a better argument for his style of politics now.

I think it does underline that there are changes afoot that make Corbyn PM more possible..
Re: Re:

kenaltobelli":35allar7 said:
dyna-ti":35allar7 said:
But does he cycle :?
bet he has one in the garage unused for god knows how long; :) :D

Late to the party, but this really
got my grey matter working.

I would bet a small some that
in his garage is a BSO. Not like
a Walmart BSO, but the kind of
BSO that comes with a Jeep or
Hummer. You know the kind,
co-ordinated with the car logos,
special roof rack, etc.

Defo Hi-ten steel with plastic
coated brake levers and a
spoke protector. I can see it
now gathering dust next to
the golf clubs.