Pre 1997 date, how did that come about

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When appeared, 1997 was barely 7 years previous. 'Old' bicycles were 10 years ago, the 1980s bikes were cheap and life was fun
Well, hasn't it all just flown by, as in, where have the 15 years gone since I joined Retrobike

EDIT - All that time passed and I'm still rubbish at setting up canti brakes, though I am ok at building wheels these days.
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In all honesty I've never understood the MTB/road/1997/1998 division. I actually think it's complete bollocks. Do you ride? Yes. Welcome fellow cyclist. So simple.
We are a brother/sisterhood, demarcations weaken us. As the old adage "United we stand, divided we fall"
I don't think post 97 is unwelcome, its just a division of categories.

Like Catholic and Protestant...
Republican and Democrat
Corbynites and Blairites

The differences are really quite small😉
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