Post-ride insomnia?


Kona Fan
When I were a lad and spent some time most days either cycling or running, that activity always seemed to guarantee a good night's sleep -- even for a poor sleeper-cum-insomniac like me.

Now I'm older, though, I'm finding that exercise during the day -- specifically from about lunchtime onward -- seems to have the opposite effect, geeing me up so I struggle to get to sleep that night. I now take Magnesium powder an hour before bedtime as this is supposed to calm restless legs, etc, but it seems to be the old brain that's overstimulated and won't allow me to drop off.

Riding in the mornings is difficult with my work schedule, although I suspect this might produce better results.

Does anyone experience this post-ride insomnia? And if so, any tips as to how to deal with it?
When I were a lad and spent some time most days either cycling or running, that activity always seemed to guarantee a good night's sleep -- even for a poor sleeper-cum-insomniac like me.

Now I'm older, though, I'm finding that exercise during the day -- specifically from about lunchtime onward -- seems to have the opposite effect, geeing me up so I struggle to get to sleep that night. I now take Magnesium powder an hour before bedtime as this is supposed to calm restless legs, etc, but it seems to be the old brain that's overstimulated and won't allow me to drop off.

Riding in the mornings is difficult with my work schedule, although I suspect this might produce better results.

Does anyone experience this post-ride insomnia? And if so, any tips as to how to deal with it?
I think I do find this if I'm out on the bike in the evening, but not the afternoon. I suppose it's natural that if you get your heart rate up and lungs working hard it'll take a while to wind it all down again...
I find the opposite - no excercise = restless sleep. Could there be other factors - coffee (has a long half life : dont imbibe after 11-12): sugary/carby snax? Looking at news current affairs before bed ?🙂
I remember seeing a study somewhere about the impact cardio has on sleep, vs weights. Basically weights/lifting released chemicals which helped sleep and cardio did the opposite. If you push yourself far enough then you obviously end up offsetting those stimulating hormones your body has released, but a short bit of cardio can be enough to disrupt sleep. I'll try to find where I came across that - it stuck with me as I find a ride which doesn't leave me done in makes me feel pretty awake, and the effect lasts into the night when I should be sleeping.
Interesting -- thanks for the responses, all. I've been paranoid about coffee for years and have one a day, always before midday. Most of the general sleep hygiene rules are applied too.

Part of the issue is probably screens -- I'm often on here right up until the moment the lights go out, which is bad. Reading a book for half an hour seems to be much more effective.

Overall though, it's very clear that it's ride days that are the problem. None of the other factors keep me awake in the same way. Will have to try to exercise earlier in the day if possible, and maybe try weights or something if exercising late.
Thanks! Certainly worth a shot. I tried when I was a student and found that I couldn't empty my mind of thoughts. It all just went, "is it empty yet? No! That's a thought so it can't be . . ." and so on.
It's a skill - like other skills it gets easier/better with practice. You can develop the ability to recognise thoughts and try to "park" them.

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