Please iMac Help with this site PROBLEM SOLVED


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I have a year old Mac. But it seems to be missing a peace of software. As every time i go to down load a picture on the site i get page error message on the screen. Yet my 4 year old iMac had no problem. Alas i don't have that computer any more. And i been trying to down load from work pc but thats just a nightmare.
Any ideas what software my Mac is missing? Then i can sell kit and add to my gallery.

The more specific your question the better the response.

"every time i go to down load a picture on the site i get page error message on the screen"

Hmmmm. . .

. . . all we really have to work on here is

a) your computer is one year old.
b) you get an (unnamed) error message when you download an image from an (unnamed) website)


I presume the error message is in English, if so could you see your way to telling us what it says.

? What OS are you running (do be shy, be specific)

? What browser are you using.

? What version of that browser are you on.

? Does it happen to just the one website (as yet unnamed, but I presume you mean this site) or on every website you visit.

? How do you download images ie:
>Control click and select 'Save image to desktop'?
>Control click and select 'Save image as . . .'?
>Screen capture the image (shift/control/command+4)?
>Drag the image from the browser window to the desktop?



Sorry to sound shirty !! - I don't mean to I actually find it quite funny - kind of like phoning your doctor up:

"Hi, I am 42, it hurts when I bend over - what should I do ?"