
Sounds like a rough couple of weeks, sorry to hear you’re still poorly. Focus on those sunny February mornings back on the bike.
Morning all,
just sent the last 2 get wells via screen shot to Pip.

Thanks again all

So Ku, Hot and KK ;-) ;-)

BIG up Pip, you'll be as right as rain very soon...not least so you can chase me away from your shed lol
just got this from Pip..

Just had a very long chat discussion with the Medical Team. Pleased with what is coming through Stoma so far. But sample sent for analasis showed it to be Cancer. It doesn't appear to have spread further, but may need some Chemo- that's what she said at the moment, but they still need to have their Multi Discipline Meeting to decide what's best.

Thanks to all for their ongoing best wishes

Keep going dude! You've kicked it once, you can do it again!


Rightyho - back at home now after 12 days in the RBH in Reading :roll: .

Firstly, thank you Ernie for the texts while I was in hospital & for starting this thread, and thank for all for your kind and helpful comments. :D

Just to summarise: I had a section of my Bowel removed and a Colostomy bag fitted :cry: . Sadly the removed section was a Cancer tumour, and 16 Lymph Nodes in the area removed also showed to contain Cancer. I will now be handed over to Oncology for treatment. This will probably be Chemo, which may be possible to administer at my local Community Hospital as a day patient. This will make travelling easier, rather than to the RBH.

As al-onestare mentioned, I have had Cancer before - only it was on two separate occasions. In 2002 I had an advanced stage of Testicular - Secondary Seminoma Stage IV, Metastasis to the lungs and abdomen. This resulted in 9 weeks of pretty savage Chemo. Those who have read Lance's book may be familiar with some of those terms and treatment. Anyway, into remission, back on a bike and eventually back to work.... hurrah :lol:

10 years later in 2012, I was diagnosed in the early stages of Prostate Cancer, which was picked up fairly soon as a result of my monitoring for the previous. I had the Prostate removed using the da Vinci robot - so a walk in the park compared to the previous treatment. Back on a back after a few months and back to work :wink: .

So third time eh? Crikey, I must have been a very evil person in a past life or something :roll:

If I can just get over this with some treatment, and then back on a bike I will be happy. It was suggested by the Consultant that I may have surgery in about a year to reverse the bag, so I won't need to have that tucked under my Lycra!

That's about it really.

Thank you everybody. Pip.

"Resilient" probably doesn't quite cut it when describing you Pip! It amazes me what some folk have thrown at them but still manage to stay chipper, don't know if I could do the same.
Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery and back to riding soon mate.