PINKBIKE is exhausting...

Having never looked at it, i thought i would, just to see what your all on about.....disgusting content....i blushed.....the first page is a review of waterproof pants and an advert for specialised lube!

Im now really worried what else you guys might be into!
I find its all "Loam riding" and "YOLO" sayings, I may be sound old before my time (im 35) but I find it all a bit teenager like. What happened to just messing around and on the bikes, its all far too serious and "Instagramy".
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I've always wondered if PINKBIKE a gay themed site? I mean that completely respectfully, it's just 'pink' is often used as a prefix for something specifically tailored for or aimed at the gay community. Personally I couldn't care less what consenting adults choose to do in the privacy of their own homes, each to his or her own and all that, but if it is ''''pink'''' as in ''''gay'''' then why does the gay community feel the need to brand hobbies and other interests with their own particular sexual preferences? They really do seem to enjoy ramming their little peccadilloes down our throats, so to speak.

Again, no offence intended, I just don't see how whatever two men like to get up to in the bedroom is in anyway connected to cycling, or anything else for that matter. Can't we just have cycling sites for bike lovers and leave the degeneracy for the porn sites?

If it isn't gay please disregard.
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I thought it was more an attempt at irony or satire ie traditionally no-one wanted the pink bike. Certainly a friend of mine made a big deal about owning a pink bike nearly 15 years ago (seemed to think it was hilariously funny).

From their FAQ:

How did you come up with the name​

In its early years, was run from the basement of a house in British Columbia, Canada. The name was originally thought up as a joke, the antithesis of names like "" and "". As time passed, word spread, and Pinkbike grew into the world-renowned source for mountain bike news it is today.
I thought it was more an attempt at irony or satire ie traditionally no-one wanted the pink bike. Certainly a friend of mine made a big deal about owning a pink bike nearly 15 years ago (seemed to think it was hilariously funny).

From their FAQ:

Ah, so it isn't gay 😌
I wonder how many people like myself have avoided the site over the years due to that misunderstanding? Not because of homophobia or whatever, but because we simply don't want bikes and niche sexual tastes combined, as is often the case with 'pink' prefixed things.

I'll not skip past links from now on 👍
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Man that is an odd take, it is really just a funny name that was chosen what a weird reason to avoid the site.

I enjoy Pinkbike as a way to keep up with new technology, even though I have no interest in buying 99% or more of what they report on.
Man that is an odd take, it is really just a funny name that was chosen what a weird reason to avoid the site.

I enjoy Pinkbike as a way to keep up with new technology, even though I have no interest in buying 99% or more of what they report on.
You have the 'pink dollar', PINKNEWS, Australia Pink or UK Pink, the Pink Guide etc, it's fairly common for things aimed at the gay community to be prefixed/suffixed with the word pink, why not a bike site? And as stated I have no issue with gayness, I just don't want my news or cycling journalism or anything else to be gay flavoured, is that really so odd?

It's not gay anyway so it really doesn't matter, but it's fair to say that it wasn't a wholly unreasonable assumption given the current year.
Er, ok.

And another fan of PB, as much for the bmx as the gravity side of things.
You have the 'pink dollar', PINKNEWS, Australia Pink or UK Pink, the Pink Guide etc, it's fairly common for things aimed at the gay community to be prefixed/suffixed with the word pink, why not a bike site? And as stated I have no issue with gayness, I just don't want my news or cycling journalism or anything else to be gay flavoured, is that really so odd?

It's not gay anyway so it really doesn't matter, but it's fair to say that it wasn't a wholly unreasonable assumption given the current year.
I don't see how using the word pink makes it gay, in all the years I have read that site nothing has ever made me think down those lines.
Far too many forums do become very political and a lot of arguments erupt. it is refreshing here that I have not seen any political discussions or disagreements. just regarding bike part selections etc 😂
Give it time.