Ping.... click...... click.... click... 2 chains in one day


Old School Grand Master
I must have stepped on a leprechaun or walked under a black cat.

2 chains failed on me on the stumpy today - and i wasn't even hammering along!
(just pootling to a friend's house)

number one was a ping followed by an erratic click and tug on the cranks. When i got to my friends i had a look at the chain and a roller had broken off. I nursed it home and shoved on a near new HG91.

2 hours later the missus sends me out for some spuds for dinner (it was home made chips for tea!) 1/2 a mile later and another weired pulling on the cranks and a glance down show a plate snapped in half >< and the outer plate holding it all together

i just hope they don't come in threes!
Re: Ping.... click...... click.... click... 2 chains in one

taffy":3uo13mt7 said:
2 chins failed on me on the stumpy today - and i wasn't even hammering along!
(just pootling to a friend's house)

2 hours later the missus sends me out for some spuds for dinner (it was home made chips for tea!)

problem found... solution:- avoid the homemade chips and opy for a salad till your back down to one chin! :lol:
...are you sure you don't have a bent tooth somewhere in the drive train that is jamming and levering the links apart?
I don't think so. The first chain was the original by the looks of it (and wear according to my chain wear tool) looks to be the roller just had enough - going on the black joining pins its been split at least 3 times.

the 2nd one was probably just bad luck.
you don't use granny ring with the smallest cog by any chance? it is most unusual for a new chain to break - they may go at the joined pin but that is usually user error.
nope, I never use little/little & big/big combos.

I guess it was just one of those things!
Well I don't want to assume but you did use Shimano's special joining pin or a master link didn't you. I also asumming when breaking the size to size it up your tool did not cause any damage to the plates.
The pleat itself cracked down the middle - no where near the pin/rivet hole. looks to be a bit of over heat treatment making it a bit brittle.