Sold Pinarello Treviso Nuovo Record


Dirt Disciple
Pinarello Treviso Columbus SL Campagnolo Nuovo Record groupset

Pinarello Treviso Columbus SL for sale. Legendary late 70s to mid 80s flagship frameset. There are plenty of scratches but in generally very nice condition for the age. The red metallic paint is gorgeous.


Ht 11 cm
Stem 100mm
Tt cc 53,5/54
St cc 52 ct 53
Frame weight 1875g

Equipped with a full Campagnolo Nuovo Record groupset, this is the last generation of Nuovo Record, all parts are timestamped and correct ( last gen Nuovo Record ).
San Marco Concor saddle and 3TTT Cockpit.

Very nice base, would look great if restored.
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