Pimp my thumbie

Re: Re:

Neil":1ad30t7r said:
Mike Muz 67":1ad30t7r said:
That's a cool idea. Pity I'm tee-total , and don't do them shugry soft drinks.
Surely it gives us, who don't drink, the opportunity to look cool and socially normal, buy choosing one of the booze related ones?

Or a faked / spoof booze one, or perhaps a bit more out there - the anarchy emblem, or a red hammer and sickle. After all, why not go with that little hint of something that makes others wonder if you're not just a little bit bat-shit crazy. I often find a bit of fear, uncertainty and doubt is a great ice-breaker.

Just me, then...

Great idea ! And thanks Kermit for your artwork too ! :cool:

Re: thumbies

Hi all just done two of my thumbless what a great idea went to the hogs back brewery just to look at bottle tops thanks Neil


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Tee totallers needn't feel left out. In fact they could be considered 'more pure' retro, by using the tops from bottles of sterilised milk.

Can you still buy sterilised milk in bottles? Wouldn't know as I gave up milk 15 years ago on medical grounds. Teetotal-lactose intolerant-sugar and carbonated drink avoiders may struggle finding a bottle top
Re: Re:

Radar":1aiql8cp said:
Tee totallers needn't feel left out. In fact they could be considered 'more pure' retro, by using the tops from bottles of sterilised milk.

Can you still buy sterilised milk in bottles? Wouldn't know as I gave up milk 15 years ago on medical grounds. Teetotal-lactose intolerant-sugar and carbonated drink avoiders may struggle finding a bottle top
Dunno - can't help but think maybe that UHT has replaced it as a technique?

Somebody in my family used to get it - can't remember who it was, now - I think one of my grandparents. I was always quite fond of drinking milk as a kid (still am, for that matter - just haven't had that elusive Indy 500 victory...) but I do remember sterilised milk used to taste a bit odd - well different from fresh milk, anyways. I can drink UHT milk (so long as it's chilled) quite happily, so it doesn't seem to have quite the same effect on the taste.

Sterilised milk was definitely a nan thing. With the exception of those ridiculous trips home from holidays in Devon (on B roads because my dad wanted to avoid motorways) and that was the only milk we could get from the off licence round the corner.