Peugeot Perthus Pro for Sale - £550.00. Totally Original

Re: Peugeot Perthus Pro for Sale - £750.00. Totally Original

90% of sellers on RB do the same thing.
Did you contribute to the how much is it worth debate?
I didn't
Re: Peugeot Perthus Pro for Sale - £750.00. Totally Original

I don't know the OP, and I don't know about the price he's asking, but it seems to me that RB as a place to buy and sell stuff is dwindling because some people are too ready to give sellers a hard time rather than just let the market decide.

I believe cross posting doesnt mean advertising on RB and another outlet at the same time, but posting in more than one place on RB? Perhaps the rules need to be more explicit in that respect.

In any case, what is the problem? It's for sale here, it's for sale on ebay. If you want to buy on either platform go ahead, if you don't, don't. Why should anything on RB be exclusively available only here unless that's what the seller chooses?

I always advertise at lower prices on here because there's no fees, and also because it's a forum I appreciate and want to see flourishing. I think it would help if fewer adverts were tainted by critical replies. What goes unseen is how many sellers are considering RB not worth the trouble any more and just using eBay.
Re: Peugeot Perthus Pro for Sale - £750.00. Totally Original

It's also on Gumtree: ... 1157453328

... and, rather alarmingly, for £850 on LFGSS: ... nt12832221

I would have thought the issue with cross-posting - to this extent in particular - is that potential buyers may well end being messed around. An offer could be accepted off the back of one listing, and then withdrawn because a better offer is made through another.
Re: Peugeot Perthus Pro for Sale - £750.00. Totally Original

Hi all

Thanks for your support on this, there does seem to be some people that only get value out of posting nasty posts. Perhaps they have nothing better to do. I've checked and the cross posting relates to RB itself. Why, as a seller, would I not want to maximise the chances of selling something by using as many channels as possible. I'm perplexed why people think I shouldn't. Yes it is at a higher price on LFGS and will be reduced accordingly when I'm back in the UK on Monday. Once again for those who have posted valued posts.
Re: Peugeot Perthus Pro for Sale - £750.00. Totally Original

"I'm perplexed why people think I shouldn't"

Well, for the reasons I put forward; you could potentially get into a situation where you have to go back on your word and let someone down.

I don't think anything that's been said is particularly nasty. There's just a sense that you're all about the money and not so much about the bikes. Ebay and Gumtree are for people who are all about the money; LFGSS and Retrobike are for people who are more about the bikes - the 'classifieds' isn't really the main thrust of either site. That would be my understanding of the difference, although it comes down to the forum's rules I suppose.

Jim, you're right that selling on more than one platform can end up putting a seller in a tricky position if there are offers made via both at more or less the same time. However, the correct thing to do is completely obvious - once you agree a sale in one place, it's no longer for sale anywhere else, even if you get a better offer.

The same dilemma can happen if an item is for sale only on RB - a sale is agreed on pm, then a higher offer comes in and it's exactly the same situation. Private selling is all done on trust isn't it?

When there's no track record of being unprincipled, it's unfair to suggest a seller won't be doing the right thing, so people should stop making groundless insinuations.

The OP has also not broken any rules, so just let him see if his price is too high, and revise it if he needs.
Re: Peugeot Perthus Pro for Sale - £750.00. Totally Original

I wasn't suggesting 'not letting' them do anything; I was just trying to explain why cross-advertising can lead to problems.

In any case, my understanding was that the approach to selling and buying on here (and LFGSS) was different in that bidding wars aren't encouraged; a price is set and lower offers are made, declined, revised and accepted accordingly.
Once again, thanks for most of the valuable input and based on the advise on knowledge of people I've dropped the price on here and LFGSS to £550.00 collection only. I don't know how to update the main post to reflect that. Before someone starts posting about eBay and Gumtree the price is left deliberately higher on there to cover fees. Whether this price is still right or not I will leave it up to people to decide but I am in no hurry to sell it and if it doesn't sell then I'll continue to use it (once the weather warms up).
Re: Peugeot Perthus Pro for Sale - £750.00. Totally Original

To update the price on the main AD go to your original post on the top of the first page, click the edit button in the lower right hand side of your post. Then just change the title and ad. If your having trouble with it just let me know and I can change it for you.
While these listings can lead to some confusion as it stands it seems to be allowed on retrobike, just no cross posting on this site. Saying this I do know that LFGSS do not allow you to post elsewhere if you have it for sale on there.
The main problem I can see with these situations is if it is for auction on ebay and starts at the price you have it for sale here. If you have bids and then someone on here says they will buy it then you are in a very grey area. If that situation occurs I would recommend withdrawing all ads once someone bids on ebay. This is just some generic advice as I don't know whether the Peugeot is an auction or not so not directed at any one in particular.


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