Peugeot Athena 653

Lovely, and my all-time favourite groupset... :cool:

Some more pictures (prefereably outdoors) would be greatly appreciated...
It needs the old school kind of plastic tape, although I am not sure where one would find that kind of stuff.
Great looking bike Star Rider, great to see another Athena being loved.
Thanks for the replies.

Rich34 - Thanks, will upload some more pictures.

KJT - The bar tape was originally white, but needed replacing. I just happened to have a couple of reels in black which I have used in this instance.

SWilland - I now have some white bar tape, not "old school" type but looks ok.

Maca - Thanks for your comments.
That is a lovely bike! In opposite to KJT and SWilland i think it needs black hoods and a black seatpost.
This colour gradient from the bottom up - from light coloured to dark is what makes this bike look so überclassy.
Besides that your pic makes me want to get an own fireplace. :)

Really love riding my Peugeot Athena 653, using it most weekends.
The chain snapped a couple of weeks ago, so I replaced the chain and thought I should also replace the Regina Extra 7 speed freewheel 12-21 as best practice.
Thinking this was going to be a task finding a replacement, thanks to the internet I tracked down a classic cycling shop who had a new one sitting on the shelf. (NOS)
Item arrived within a couple of days, fitted in a couple of minutes job done.
Thanks to all those classic cycling businesses out there supporting the likes of us.
I'm also have a number of other projects on the go, again being supported by businesses some of which operate from small workshops at home.

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