
Classic intact Tom IMO, he's likely got wind of a female in season & either waiting his chance or has already mated & guarding her until she's finished smelling sexy... Fingers crossed he arrives home soon with a twinkle in his eye, always worrying when they go walkabout. (We had a feral a few years ago who adopted us & we knew the local females "cycles" by where on the estate we spotted him, and if I'd not seen him for a few days just as I was actually starting to worry for him, in he'd saunter like "what, got some food then?")
Classic intact Tom IMO, he's likely got wind of a female in season & either waiting his chance or has already mated & guarding her until she's finished smelling sexy... Fingers crossed he arrives home soon with a twinkle in his eye, always worrying when they go walkabout. (We had a feral a few years ago who adopted us & we knew the local females "cycles" by where on the estate we spotted him, and if I'd not seen him for a few days just as I was actually starting to worry for him, in he'd saunter like "what, got some food then?")
Thanks for this! Has given me some much needed peace of mind. I’m not worried about roads or cars as there’s not much of that where he wonders. And I followed him 1/2 mile from home as on this map - he was making for the estate with gardens marked with a red dot. Near Manningtree / Mistley. He was marking his territory on the way and also squared up to a dog and scared it away!
We lost track of him in the woods but he was en route there. So maybe there’s as you said a female round there somewhere. I’ve not much idea of Tom cat behaviour - is that what they do ? Guard the female after getting some bunk up?
Not 100% sure, but after "Ginger Nuts" (a second feral who also came for dinner occasionally) mated with our Aimee (RIP) he stayed around and guarded over her for a couple of days, and had been seen more than usual in the garden in the days leading up to that. And the previous adoptive-feral "Owlie" also appeared to guard females when we saw him out & about.
Not 100% sure, but after "Ginger Nuts" (a second feral who also came for dinner occasionally) mated with our Aimee (RIP) he stayed around and guarded over her for a couple of days, and had been seen more than usual in the garden in the days leading up to that. And the previous adoptive-feral "Owlie" also appeared to guard females when we saw him out & about.
Thanks again! I’ve never heard this before reading on the internet it’s the same generic stuff rather than what you wrote which is very insightful and hopeful
Fingers crossed he comes back!
We had a tom, Beauty, was gone a week. Dragged himself back home, wounded. We thought must have been hit by a car, but vet said no - fighting, probably with a fox, and looks like Beauty won! He'd laid up until well enough to get home.
If little traffic, he'll be ok.
We had a tom, Beauty, was gone a week. Dragged himself back home, wounded. We thought must have been hit by a car, but vet said no - fighting, probably with a fox, and looks like Beauty won! He'd laid up until well enough to get home.
If little traffic, he'll be ok.
Brilliant Beauty!
You must've been really worried. Was that the only time he’d been away ? And I guess this was a while ago and he’s no longer with you
I’m waiting for the ‘meow meow meow’ as he jumps through the open window telling us he’s home.
^ yes some 30 years ago. The children were young and there was much worry. He was a bit wild, but I don't recall any other "disappearances" for more than 1 night.
I hope your friend is home soon.
Thanks ! How time flies though