
Before the Missus and I got hitched some 35 years back ,I had two cats and a BIG dog
First came Shoes a tabby from the RSPCA
A BIG GSD who moved in as well . Wonderful animal . Rebel came to me from a lady who found him to big to keep . Rebel was just 17 months old when I was given him on the condition ; Give him a go home . For 8 years we were inseparable IMG_3003.JPG
Bloodly hell that is some tidy box , No litter?
Picture did not scan well??

PDR and Moi
{PDR= Pup Dog Rebel: Trained to working standard
Three More GSD's then followed .
Audax GSD .

Big dog Dave changed to Big dog Dane .

4 years old GSD . Big Dog Dane ,formerly known as Big Dog Dave.Having a dog called Dave was a probelm,as when i called him on the park,a number blokes would turn round and say ,"yes do I know you?"
We adopted him when he was about 17 months old.He was a bit of of a hand full!!! having had a hard start in life.At 16 months he was going to be a working Dog ,but failed his medical.So he went AWOL!!

Our last GSD Zeus.

Then came Dudley Who is now 18 months old and full of life.


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