peaks ride, sat 29th may 2021 9am meet for 9.30 depart


Retrobike Rider
with lockdown potentially easing I will be going for a raz, who wants to join me? no more than 30 mind, whos game?

plan to park at the layby near ladybower, ride around ladybower, past hagg farm, traverse down into derwent, refreshments and back over the top to the carpark. nowt silly, fast or harsh. about 25 miles IIRC

one rule.......helmets must be worn :D inclusive to all types of bikes, uni, fat, rigid, ht, fs, ss etc but make sure it works and stops :mrgreen:
Depending on the the Guvment' roolz on the day - pencil 2 in for now

*and be prepared for the swarm of ebikers!*

might bring a hecklaphone :mrgreen:

**and in all seriousnessnessness, get there early! Around here on a sunny day there is nowhere to park - imagine what it will be like in May!**

Who's game? Is that a trick question?! :lol: Count us in please; can't absolutely promise works AND stops, but I will get out my shiniest helmet for you to admire.