Paypal security


Senior Retro Guru
Just thought that I'd let people know about the paypal security key. I was just told about this yesterday as paypal don't openly advertise it on their site. :?

If you log in to your paypal account go to your profile. On the profile summary page look under the heading "Account Information". Near the bottom of this column there's a link called "Paypal Security Key". Click it and you can order a key that's linked to your account.

Basically it looks like a key fob with a unique serial number that's registered to your account. If you press the button on it it displays a 6 digit number. When you log in to your paypal account (or Ebay) it asks you for this number. The thing is this number changes every 30 seconds so it's an additional layer of security. If you don't have the number then you can't sign in.

I've already ordered mine and they told me it would be here in 7-10 days.
My GF's work uses a similar key to log in each user remotely - that way she can 'work from home' whilst I gently massage her....
I don't see why they can't give them away.
The next step is they'll say they can't guaruantee to reimburse you if someone hijacks your account and spends your paypal balance. Just you wait!