Parallelogram / parallel push V brakes


Devout Dirtbag
After a set of V brakes that use a parallel push type mechanism. Need to be silver, tidy condition but not necessary mint and reasonably priced! Cheers.

Silver narrows your options to either xt or avid arch rivals i reckon as not many other parallel push options were made in silver.

I have a set of dia compe ones which are the only others I can think of, can't remember if they are silver or black though. I'll have a rummage and let you know if they are silver but I think black.

Yeah, it's a bit of a niche request, fingers crossed but it's not urgent, hopefully someone has something suitable gathering dust somewhere!

Hmm, not sure really. Looking at what's around seems like 40 quid for a pair in good condition with decent pads is about the going rate. Would be interested in the M739s

Sorry, you're correct I've been a bit ambiguous! I'm after a full bike's worth; front and rear both left and right arms.

The dia compe ones I have are black I'm afraid. I think you could get them in silver though.

Ah, thanks for looking. Think I'll need either a set of Deore XT M739 or M750 if they're to be silver.
I think I have a set (f&r) in the garage, silver xt only thing I don't have are the original mounting bolts. I'll check in the morning.