Panaracer smoke and dart 2.1 skinwalls nos boxed- sold

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craigsmith":4307ze8w said:
Sometimes you can't win.

Couldn't agree more mate... I mean do you try and cash in on rarity or do you try and share the love between fellow RBer brotherhood? I guess if I was using my brain I'd take the first option; if I was using my heart I'd take the the latter. I wonder which option the average trader in the Square Mile would take :?:
I don't see what the seller has done wrong and I hope he isn't getting a hard time.

If someone is prepared to pay £175 for a smoke/dart combination at a particular time then that is what they are worth at that particular time. For me, they are much more desirable than a pair of Porcs and look at what they go for - all down to taste and memories I guess.

Anyway, we aren't supposed to comment on price, so can we all stop now?
craigsmith":lg40qzrh said:
There are parts on this site and elsewhere that go for prices way in excess of what they're worth - they weren't that effective BITD and certainly not worth the money now.

I've never bought a Pauls mech either :LOL:

I have no issue with sale prices, I was just referring to a (good) point that had been made and seemingly not understood.
Personally, I wont pay way above what an item was originally worth - unless the price is still low in relative terms.
I guess this means I wont ever be trying out certain tyres for size! oh well..

Good luck to anyone flogging tyres for good money.
Re: Thread

guymuttley21":1hjz16xh said:
Anyone want to buy a Klein attitude dolomite
Say £40 ? Seeing as they are so common and
Not wanting to rip anyone off.

£35 cash on pick up? oh and must have original rigids.........
I am genuinely not trying to single out any individual on here.. I've met Guy and based on my standards he seemed a thoroughly decent chap. I guess from a selfish POV I'm concerned about chronic inflation of bikes, parts, accessories and the ultimate possibility that unless super-rich, the average RBer will be priced out of everything that is rare. I may have it completely wrong; for all I know, most folk on here could be rolling in cash and I'm one of a minority that receive a nearer to average income.
MikeC":1cbc5zly said:
For me, they are much more desirable than a pair of Porcs and look at what they go for - all down to taste and memories I guess.

True - grip better and they will last longer :D
This is a great thread btw. I had first dibs on these tyres an unluckily I missed out. I'd have thought nothing of handing over £175 for these tyres.
Re: Thread

guymuttley21":3q54tbho said:
Brilliant a thread on 3 pages- I achieved my ambition, upset
The apple cart and learnt how to lose friends and influence people
Oh and become a drug dealer- brill days work


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