For Sale Panaracer Magic XC BFX 26 x 2.1 Smoke Dart, Flite Saddle, Grips ati SET


98+ BoTM Winner
Yeti Fan
I'm having a bit of a refresh of some of the stuff I've been sitting on for a while.

I've decided I can let this set go.

This set is something I've never seen come up anywhere else before and took me close to a decade to source.1 pair of Panaracer Magic XC tyres.26" x 2.1" Front and Rear. Made in Japan

The logo has faded on the front one, but the rear is still perfect. The tyres still have some of the tyre mold nobbles showing on them, they really haven't been used much.1 pair of the matching ATI Panaracer magic grips

They look a bit dirty in the first photo, but they really are mint. I think I just had dirty hands when i took them off the bike. I've added a photo of them clean, to the listing so you can see what they actually look like.1 Flite saddle in the matching cream finish. I've never seen another one of these.I'll ship in a wheel box, so the tyres won't be folded. UK Postage is included. I'll ship overseas at cost.
Photos etc etc on the Facebook market place listing.

If you're not on facebook, let me know and I can send as many photos as you need.

You'll need a price on here etc.
You can also attach photos here if you want. It's easy.
Else move it to the ebay external links.

Please remember to check the rules that are shown at the bottom of all of this.
Sorry... I thought I'd posted.

£200.00 I was just using the link to host the photos. I didn't want to post a load of phots into the thread, there are 12.

Yes they "sold" on ebay the other week, but the purchaser was in Germany and then refused to pay the import costs and cancelled the ebay sale and found me on facebook. Then he tried to get me to send them to his mate in the UK with the package open. It was all a bit messy, so I gave up.