Paganini Columbus SL Campagnolo build

That is one beautiful bike! Lovely job . Did you polish the stem, bars and post yourself? I've been toying with the idea of de-anodizing and polishing mine, you might have just convinced me! +1 for the Monoplaners over the Deltas, with modern (kool stop) pads I find they work more than adequately, easier to set up and think they're just as beautiful
Yes I did polish it all myself. Quite time consuming but worth it when its freshly polished. The dust and air after every ride dulls it slightly so I have to give a quick repolish every couple rides to keep it mirror finish.
If you don't care about absolute mirror finish then probably a good idea once polished to get it clear anodized. Will be slightly duller but no maintenance.
Cinelli crit bars are grey anodized from new so polished and clear anodized will still be shinier.

This is a stunning bike. We'll done sir. I know how much satisfaction I would get from a bike like that. Very envious. Chapeau.....
Indeed, I'll add to that it is absolutely stunning. The tan sidewall works so well with the blue in the paint, very pretty.
I have done a few rides on the Pag over the last year and have to report that it is absolutely sublime! I really love the geometry of old competition frames and find it extremely comfortable (of course a Regal and Vitoria Corsa's contribute hehe). Also, being a competition frame, it sits lower to the road then my other bikes which results in a smaller surface area smashing through the air which no doubt is a very effective way of getting better aero. It is very very fast once rolling and I can hold 40kmh+ with much greater ease then my other bikes (again, the Vitoria's and Shamals no doubt help).
Upgraded the rear mech to a Record Titanium 8S model.
Other then that, bike is unchanged since the original build.

Here is a pic at the cafe next to my mates "modern" bikes.

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