Pace Steerer help.


Geoff Capes
Hi Guys

I need a little help I have an Orange x1 with a set of Pace 36's. I am speaking with Pace about a replacement Steerer but have no idea what the diameter of the steerer is. As it's rare Pace engage in customer service :roll: I am hoping to go back to them this morning while their still interested in helping but the bikes at home so I can't measure it. Does anyone know off the top of their head?


Have a word with a RB member on the site called 'Justbackdated' he is our local Pace guru... ;)

He he cant help no one can ;) :)
I would of thought an X1 would be 1 1/8th inch.

I am not sure whether it is the sort of thing Justbackdated will know, I know he is a Pace fork guru...but that is different to being an Orange guru. You will probably still need to measure it to be sure. Then Tim (Justbackdated) is the man to go to for a new steerer.
Cheers Jerky

Sounds like I should be just speaking with Tim in the first place for the Steerer. I am guessing at 1 1/8th as well but your right I should just measure it tonight!

Yay-I had a Slime green X1 BITD-wish I had kept it! :roll:
I seem to remember it was 1 1/8" but I am not 100% sure on that.
PM returned :D