Pace RC300


Dirt Disciple
just testing the waters here really, haven't got the time to post a full ad at the moment but am seeing if anyone's interested...

due to first baby's pending arrival, I'm selling my Pace RC300.

The bad news: the headtube has a couple of hairline fractures at the top & bottom - I rode the bike for a couple of weeks without noticing this, but didn't ride it again after spotting them. guy at the local shop reckons the headset was put on too tight. I've found a couple of guys who can repair it but don't have the time to follow this up. you lot on here probably know better than me how/where it could be sorted :)

briefly - RC300 frame, in perfect nick, obviously apart from the fractures ; RC35 forks, again in top notch condition; everything else on the bike was brand new when built up around November 07, including lovely noisy Hope hubs, XT gear etc.

there's a set of pics at but I'd be happy to take & post some better pics on request. won't be later on tonight though.

This cost me £2k to buy & build up, it was ridden for a few months, all on roads (commuting only). I'd take £900 for it, given the fracture issue. looking for a local pickup only (north London). Please note I'm not looking to split it up.

cheers, Rob