pace frame sizing?


Retro Guru
how small are the smallest (16"? didn't do smaller did they?) pace rc200 frames when built up? would like one for my mrs but shes only about 5'3"!
not sure, but i had a 16.5'' and im 6ft!

they have long top tubes, so can suit quite a range of sizes.
I had a 20 inch frame and although I'm 6 2 it was huge. The top tube length (in 1995) was very stretched and they didn't do dropped top tubes to increase standover. I suspect (with hindsight) that I'd have gotten away with an 18 inch frame with long (ish) seatpost and mid length stem. I think that even a 16 inch frame would be big for your spouse. You could email Pace direct and ask about the sizing as they used to be pretty good about retro queries.