OT: Is retro in the blood..or are we just old??


Old School Hero
:cool: A friend mentioned Jah Wobble today, so i have now spent the best part of three hours on You Tube...selection consisted of;
Jah Wobble...The Cure...John Martyn...Nico..Velvet Underground..David Bowie..Genesis...Rush...Tindersticks...and due to a glass or two of Talisker, cannot remember antmore...!!!
However, i am now going to look at all my old(retro) bikes and remind myself how wonderful they...and this website...are.!
Have a lovely evening everyone. :cool: :LOL: :cool: :LOL:
A bit of both. I've always been in to cycling. But these bikes were new BITD. And I'm getting old. But the they were good back then so why should they be rubbish now??
The trouble with cycling is the the manufactures have to think up new marketing so as to make more money than the year before.
:cool: Hear hear...i look in any mtb mag. these days, and in a few seconds my eyes blur over...and that is not an age related medical condition...it's an age related blandness-recognition-condition! Thankfully, easily cured just by going and lounging on the sofa in the 'spare bedroom' (aka.theworkshop)..and gazing at a bygone era.
And actually...I do not regard that as a understatement...the golden age of mtb. progression has faded, and i reckon most would associate the millenium as the milestone. This therefore allows us a good 15-17 years of history and innovation to indulge in.
The king is dead...long live the king. :cool: :cool:
A bit of both indeed. I now have guys at work that when we discuss rock music I realise some of the best stuff is from before they were born LOL

Retro bikes are the good stuff, my rigid steel Stumpjumper made me feel invincible on the local forest trails. I could ride stuff never dreamt of and mastering the speed and danger going downhill even the 50 odd metres of elevation in Holland was a definite adrenaline rush.

Modern bikes are good stuff too. My Foes with 5" travel front and rear makes me feel more invincible now than ever before. I can ride stuff never dreamt of and master unbelievable speed and danger going downhill those 50 meters and then some proper mountains too. It is still THE adrenaline rush, faster higher and further.

That and, by contrast, the solitude of a cold winter morning in the great outdoors, or riding a singletrack across the moor in autumn colours, or majestic Arabian desert ranges at the height of summer. Feel the flow of nature actually sensing sensing the seasons.

My riding is still powered by the same addictions,

ride on ...
ah but retro is no particular era, as discussed before, it is a state of mind. Like with music, you can look in any decade and find music that hits a chord with you, so can you with bikes. Retro is all around us and some of it is being made now...
Retro is in the blood for me i think, i've never been into new or modern versions of anything really, not just bikes but also cars and music, the bikes i have now are ones that i wanted when they were new (though these and many others) modern bikes just seem dull and uninteresting even with all their fancy technology. (though i would'nt knock back a Norco ;) )

I feel exactly the same about modern cars, i much prefer the original versions of the Mini, the Beetle, the Ford GT40 etc, (though admitedly the modern versions are probably safer, quieter and more comfortable, just not as nice to look at), at one time all i was into was cars now they all look the same :roll: .

I can identify with the comment on the music clips on Youtube, the other night i spent a couple of hours looking at old TOTP clips from BITD :D , about the same again looking at old clips of the Sweeny and the Professionals thinking "Ah those were the days, real music, coppers and car chases" :LOL:

When i'm not working on or riding my current bikes dreaming about Klein's, Pace RC200's and Manitou's i'm driving my 1978 Capri 3.0S with Led Zeppelin playing in the cassette player :LOL:
Good music is good music, it simply does not matter what year it was made. There was good stuff about in the 60's ,70's, 90's, now and even the 80's :D
There is some real good stuff about at the moment too, a bit of a revival methinks.
People get all nolstagic about old music or bikes because of the memories associated with them. So a modern bike cannot compete with a pace rc100 for example (even though the modern bike IS far better!)
It's simple for me: I like retro, I like modern, I like what I think are nice things regardless of age, it just seems that a lot of the nicer stuff was made yesteryear.