Original Monarch

so glad someone else saw this, I was just about to post it. Relisted as it only got up to about a fiver a couple of days ago.

Looks properly intact and a real piece of history. Some lovely details on the frames of these.
Wow, that is a rare opportunity, it's a large frame so not for the height challenged. Seems to be largely original and in great condition. I so wanted one of these when they were new, but ended up spending all my savings on a peak finder.
If I hadn't restored a MF this summer I would grab that in a heartbeat.
Let's hope it goes to a forum member so we can see it being brought back to pristine condition.
still no bids? , c'mon what is wrong with people?

these scrub up really beautifully and even those shifter and Nitto bars are worth £100 , plus I had a similar saddle grabbed out of my hand by a dealer at the Manchester Cycle Jumble recently - before we even started selling !
sign of the times I reckon