Orange Prestige bargain!


Good find! I'm a little worried about someone drilling Crud Catcher holes in tubing as thin as that, but still - for that money you just can't go wrong!
A good find.. even if the frame is a bit dodgy, the parts will easily make back what you paid for it. If the frame is OK, that alone is well worth £65! Good score that man! ;)
Well...delivered as promised and better than expected.
The 'Crud Catcher' frame modifications look to have been well executed, so I'm not bothered.
Paint is pretty good although I don't like the colour...but too good to consider a re-paint.
Surprised by the light weight.
All in all, should polish up nicely...but I have to get rid of all the purple.
I take it it's a Kalloy Uno stem? What size? if it's a 1 1/8 then I might have it off you if you're selling. ;)