Orange P7 & forks karma raffle *Tc come on down!!*

Re: Re:

Tc":2aupqxx0 said:
Number for me please John ;)

I must be due some luck soon :(


It appears you are!!

Sorry to all those who didn't get it. I'm sure I'll do another one sometime.
Sweet Jesus thank you mate
I hope things are turning around for me

as in the spirit of karma when I have an income I shall start my own karma giveaways I promise

Thanks again

Top Karma yet again John!
I'll be karma-ing that Marin kids bike soon as my 2 have outgrown it now. :D
Re: Re:

andyz":2c0a2bwh said:
Top Karma yet again John!
I'll be karma-ing that Marin kids bike soon as my 2 have outgrown it now. :D

Hi Andrew, great to karma it on for the kiddies.
Nice one TC and great great guy to have done this raffle.