Orange P7 decals by year?


Dirt Disciple
Is it as simple as-
Purple = ‘94
Black = ‘95
Orange = ‘96

Obviously I know the font changed when they went from purple to black, but is that it, it’s just as simple as the year breaks?

Both the frames in question are nickel finish of that effects the answer.
Unfortunately not that simple. Back then Orange would change the decals when they felt like it and would often have two styles running at the same time. Saying that, the 96's usually seem to be orange?
Now I’ve received the second bike there’s more anomalies than I expected. The mrs. 15” frame is a 95 and has crud catcher mounts and the mech inverter mount, with black decals.

The one I’ve just bought for me must be quite early in 95, (the frame number starts A5) but it has no crud catcher mounts or mech pulley and has purple block decals.
No Crud bolts suggests earlier although 93 Orange's had the pulley? Made redundant by using a bottom swing mech though.
Looks like you are trying to squeeze on to 19" frames, just like me!! 😅

No reason to believe the serial number doesn't point in the right direction. Decals can be a decoy as they fitted what they wanted, depending on stock rather than conform to a model year spec.

BTW, that looks like my mate's favourite saddle so if you fancy selling, let me know.;)
I’m 6’4” so should apparently ride a 21”-22” frame, but they just feel too big. I like a 19” orange and a 20” kona.

It did spend most of my teens on bmx/24” slalom bikes with 13” frames though so it’s Proably down to that.

Saddle I’m not sure on, it’ll stay til I find something else. Wouldn’t mind an actual orange branded one, they werent bad saddles.
More pressing changes are renewing the chain/cassette/middle ring and them swapping the forks out, if I can find a damn pace crown or crown spacer!
My mid 95 came with these decals when I brought the frame so after I stripped the lacquer and decals off I just replaced with the same .
I'm fairly sure they were original to the frame and I did relacquer the frame .

I'm only 5'10 but ride and prefer a 21"
Although on just trails I'd be happy on 19"
I've had 2 other p7 frames
The 94 was same font but black I think.
And the 96 was black and lower case font . 20210101_135647.jpg 20200903_213513.jpg View attachment 599507