Orange Lavadome what year?????

' one myself and LOVE IT!! :D

oops, just saw the pic's....hard to place, an odd color with '99 stickers, no rear brake cable stop (cable guide instead) and drop outs that scream early '90's. Is there another cable stop on the non drive side of the down tube being unused?...hmmm

I'm gonna guess '93, but the serial number will have the answer
I would agree with Canuck that it's a 1993 size 18 Kona that has been resprayed and given a set of 1999 Lava Dome stickers. If so, it is not a suspension-adjusted frame. The fork it has there is not all that long, but nevertheless it needs a shorter stem to give sharp handling.
Thanks for the input folks
Picked it up today, it's certainly a bit of a hodge podge!!!!!! From what I can tell from the Internet the 93 theory looks about right!!! Serial number starts with P3, dropout shape looks to match early frame, oval seat tube at BB and rack boss's "through" the seat stays!!
Just one more thing puzzling me :? The Indy's appear to be 1 1/8, would this be right for a 93 ??? Figured it would still be 1 inch??
