One of those days.

I recently built my workshop because here in N. Wales it all too regularly pisses down. We had 2.5 weeks of glorious sun in May, and almost nothing since. At last I can work under cover, feels like absolute luxury. For everything else, a good set of waterproofs helps a lot. Don't skimp. I've built two of my log cabins while it's been alternatively pissing down and blowing a gale - sometimes both. It's actually kind of fun in a one man against the elements kind of way. There was only one hairy moment when I thought the roof insulation I was spreadeagled on top of was going to lift up and take me with it during some strong gusts before I'd got it fastened down.

When weather really does stop play, I just use it as a plotting what I'm going to do next day.

I enjoyed reading this recently:

Overall message seems to be that some discomfort is necessary and healthy. Completely eliminating it from life may not be ideal. We need challenges and novelty to stay sharp and fully experience life. Modern society has engineered discomfort and challenge out of daily life through technology, climate control, hygiene, etc. But lack of challenge may be weakening us mentally and physically.
@tintin40 Ironically, one of the projects that has been massively hindered by the weather is my car stereo install. listening to the standard setup is killing me.
It's lots of incidents, Getting COVID, then Lyme disease, then after that a slipped disc. So no riding. 3 expensive 'toys' in the shed doing nothing. But collecting spiders. Then the broken seat post. More expense and repair work. MTB's need work to keep them running. The hifi takes nothing. Just dusting. And gives as much if not more pleasure with out the pain.
Riding in a storm is fun imo . Some 7 weeks ago I Rode back from West Yorkshire. On the third day the rain could be best described as biblical for the last 25 miles . Once you're wet you're wet.

Fixing a bike and fettling it is part of the rich tapestry of cycling.

Had C bug and a poo load of other things over the years. I just keep bu%%ering on .

Derbyshire born and breed strong in leg and thick in head.
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a smart trainer and a zwift subscription has kept me pedalling through this wet and windy summer. It's making me question whether I actually need an outdoors bike.
I suppose it's about why anyone rides a bike other than getting to work. I could
Never swap to any from of indoor trainer . The weather hasn't stopped me so far this year.
Make hay when the sun shines. When it doesn’t……….

Two views from the same spot on Saturday during the craziness.

Perspective is everything.
AC314271-5974-4FA9-A833-441F956B99C6.webp A9650BBF-92E7-4CC8-9034-3669D63881F4.webp
In door trainers are a nightmare of pain and boredom. 4 hours a week. But feel good after a good thrashing on it.