Olympic Gold, US Open, Wimbledon and now the US Open Again!

Re: Wimbledon 2013 Spoiler It Turned Out Nice Again!

highlandsflyer":sguaezqi said:
It seems your damning approach worked its magic!

I made Andy win Wimbledon yeah the power of me :D

I hope Scotland does not become independent as then it won't be a British win :D

Re: Wimbledon 2013 Spoiler It Turned Out Nice Again!

It would still stand as a British win, as it was won while we were all still British!

Anyway, independence is not happening. :)
Re: Olympic Gold, US Open, Wimbledon and now officially popu

If independent would he be eligible for a personality?
Re: Olympic Gold, US Open, Wimbledon and now officially popu

Turns out he got over 50% of the vote.

Certainly makes you wonder where the idea comes from that he is disliked in England.

Puts himself out there for GB every chance he gets. Hopefully, were Scotland to gain independence, we would find some way to retain co-operation for some events.
Re: Olympic Gold, US Open, Wimbledon and now officially popu

I've always liked Andy Murray. Yes honestly- I enjoy his miserable teenage persona.
Olympic Gold, US Open, Wimbledon and now US Open Again!

Well Andy is out there mixing it with the world number one. In real terms.

Showing a lot of courage.

Can't see him prevailing, but just like the England football team, he always gives himself the chance by getting into the finals.