Old Shimano IG cassete with newer Mega crankset


Retro Newbie
I'm assembling a 1997 proflex which had LX/XT components. The chain is the IG system.
I managed to get a newer LX crankset (Mega system) and was planning to use on the frame, but I want to keep the old cassette.

Are these two components compatible? If so, what chain should I use?

Thank you in advance.
It all works. Any 7/8 speed chain should work. IG was a load of Shimano marketing puff, it's identical to everything else in the real world.
IG and HG cassettes have different shaped teeth and ramps to help the chain shift. The sprockets in the cassette also different thicknesses.

I seem to recall that the cassette and chain need to match - so your IG chain should be used with an IG cassette. I think it's less important for the front chainrings.

If you want to be on the safe side, I think HG works with everything - including other manufacturers components.

If you have time, check out sheldonbrown.com, lots to read on the subject there: http://sheldonbrown.com/k7.html#interactive
Yes, that's what I read.
HG, but not the HG that was used at the same time as the IG.
IG chains were narrower than HG (at the time). The new HG chains are even narrower. I will give it a try, since these BB and cranksets are so easy to put in and out.
IG had ramp profiles on both faces of the sprocket, not just the outer. However in the real world this didn't seem to matter much. I've mixed and matched and never noticed a difference.

I always avoid Shimano chains, which while very smooth and quiet seem to last a pitifully short time. SRAM or KMC every time...

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