Old Mags 90/91/92 and Freewheel Catalogues


Dirt Disciple

Got a few old mags I've found in a clearout of my garage.

£4 an issue posted or £6 for a freewheel catalogue

Freewheel catalogue 1990
Freewheel catalogue Summer 1992

Mountain Biker / MBI
Vol 1 Issue 2
Vol 1 Issue 3
Vol 1 Issue 4
Vol 1 Issue 5
Vol 1 issue 7
May 90
June 90
July 90
August 90
Midsummer 90
September 90
October 90
November 90
December 90
February 91
March 91
August 91
November 91
December 91
Jan 92
February 92
March 92
April 92
May 92
June 92
July 92
August 92
PM re freewheel catalogues :D

Also interested in the MBIs Mikee doesn't want - have sent you a list of the ones I'd like :D
Fellas, sorry for the slow reply.

Mikee, sorry but had an offer for the lot 2 minutes after your post and if I'm honest is easier to get rid of the lot in a single swath than individually! If the guy who wants the lot doesn't want them I'll let you know.

