old but funny - XJ220 Jaguar as seen on Top Gear

FMJ":2cal82f1 said:
legrandefromage":2cal82f1 said:
Yeah, so? The transits got a roof rack.
But no 20,000 RPM redline.
That engine used in the Espace would never have redlined at 20k revs - not and stay together very long - they weren't troubling revs quite that high in 95.

It was only in / around mid 2000s that F1 engines started eeking up to 19k revs - and that would have been for a handful of years. They don't rev quite that high, now (maybe 18k revs).

I suspect the mandatory reliability rules put paid to really pushing the revs up, much, once they'd got to about 19k.
Ford's Supervan 3

Supervan3's origins go back further- into the early 80's when it was powered by a DFV. In the 90's they restyled the front to look like the Mk3 Transit, but if you look at the one above, from the doors back, it is Mk2 (with mk3 lights grafted in).

I remember seeing it at Brands as a yoof. There was also a Ford Cargo doing the rounds with a jet engine. Anyone remember it?
And the wheelie truck. Saw that at Silverstone a couple of times when we used to go to the truck racing. Didn't see much as the hospitality was rather good.
FMJ":ln2eoomh said:
They have mandated 19,000 rev limiters now.

Even Cosworth were getting 20K out of their V8 back in the early 2000s.

Just 'cos you can bench test at a certain speed doesn't mean you can race with it.

I'll say again, 19k was about as far as they pushed it in a car, on track, and that was in the 2000s. A 95, Renault F1 engine was not doing 20k revs, either on track in an F1 car, or in the back of a mocked-up Espace.
Sadly, I recognised the XJ220 Transit straight away on TG. Ace thing. FUN FACT - all the old crisp wrappers and coffee cups on the dash are glued in place :)