Old Bike,(Ozone Oxygen) old rider, with new energy.


Devout Dirtbag
I came across this site after doing a google on my bike so thought I'd join up.
I've had the bike from new; bought the frame back in the early 90's and built it up using all the bits I wanted. Well the bike has been hung up in the garage for the past 10 years unused but 2 weeks ago I decided to dust her down and recommission the bike.
Buying quality parts all those years ago paid off as I have stripped, cleaned, greased and reassembled everything but the elastomer's in my Manito 3 forks were shot, they have rotted and gone brittle. I had a bit of luck as my local bike shop dug out old stock of replacement springs so everything is now back up and running.
All I want to do is get back in the saddle and enjoy riding once again, I've now been out 4 times over the last week and slowly its all coming back but I fear it may be a little longer before the legs return to anything like full strength, phew its hard going!!! but great fun.
Now that the bike is running fine I'm going to change the tyres as a safety measure, I'm running a dart on the front and a Richy Z max on the rear so as these are so old what can anyone suggest as suitable replacements.

Very happy to be back.

