Tayside Dirt Disciple Today at 17:53 #11 To have a shed,is to be at one with the universe. S afe spaces H ead spaces E ndorphin spaces D ream spaces
To have a shed,is to be at one with the universe. S afe spaces H ead spaces E ndorphin spaces D ream spaces
The History Man Retrobike Rider BoTM Winner Gold Trader rBotM Winner Overbury's Fan Feedback View Today at 18:46 #12 Closest and nicest I could find. Enjoy.
Markybeau Gold Trader Dyna-Tech Fan Feedback View Today at 19:25 #13 legrandefromage said: Some hot shed shednanigans! Roof to do. Total build cost is about £180 so far, as much recycling as possible, there's even old bed slats up there as they were the perfect shape Click to expand... Fire should be bigger
legrandefromage said: Some hot shed shednanigans! Roof to do. Total build cost is about £180 so far, as much recycling as possible, there's even old bed slats up there as they were the perfect shape Click to expand... Fire should be bigger
Joe_Rides Senior Retro Guru Today at 19:49 #14 Remember seeing the photos of how overgrown the garden was when you first arrived, you've been busy! Shed looks good too. Looks plenty rural, hopefully some good riding waiting for you when you're ready (is it a 'new' area for you to explore?)
Remember seeing the photos of how overgrown the garden was when you first arrived, you've been busy! Shed looks good too. Looks plenty rural, hopefully some good riding waiting for you when you're ready (is it a 'new' area for you to explore?)