Oh no! Damaged my bike.

It's just a bolt on a rod...

This hanger isn't even that bent, so no need for a hanger straightener... There's no need to LBS it

But in all fairness, something else may be wrong - and the LBS would probably do it for just about nowt, so may as well LBS it

Not that I would, probably best to in this case, I detect that drawis may not be the most experienced metal worker
I'm happy enough simply to bend it back straight if that's all that is required. Now where's me adjustable spanner?
to me it doesnt just look bent, it looks twisted. the proper tool is set up to check the alignment. it wont cost much, certainly less than a new frame
You could make that broken mech work to your advantage... Use that part which remains in the hanger to work on to bend the hanger straight with your trusty wrench, then stick an allen key in the hole in the bolt and adapt this alignment checking idea (or just use your eyes):


Having never fussed about with gauges, angle finders or straight edges in this task, there no need. As soon as you mount a mech any alignment issue is OBVIOUS

But LBS and parting with cash would make it someone else's responsibility...

And I guess tolerances would get smaller if you had a 54 speed drive train...

- Just covering all the angles there

So risk to your frame? bugger all, if you somehow got it wrong(!?), do it again

So have you fixed it yet?
It'll look a lot better once you get rid of the chain (not worth reusing it, you'll have some damaged side plates that won't fix...) and cleaned it up.

Put the wheels back in, stand it up straight (DON'T try realigning it upside down, you won't do it half so quick!) and get the clamp on it...

...TBH I use a bloody great Philips screwdriver through the hole and just bend it until it lines up; not had one I couldn't get another derailleur to thread into yet.

Mind you, I've only ever had to do it to other peoples' bikes as I've never bent one of my own ;)
I've done it a few times too , used a mole grip and gear changing wasn't affected!

I did this to my Alpinestars while on my paper-round. By the time I got home to tell my parents I had 'bent my frame" I'd already decided what new frame I wanted! Unfortunately they took it to the LBS who fixed it for free :(
Had a bend derailleur-mount on my Alpinestars when i got it - i took it to the "bikeshop of less distrust" and the owner did it proper in a few minutes. Some bucks in his coffee cash box and a friendly goodby was all he asked for - so, why doing it on my own and off course (murphys law, you know) make it even worse :roll: