Wanted Ofmega Premier parts


Retro Guru
Let me know if anyone has any Ofmega Premier parts in good condition; I am looking for downtube shifters and front and rear derailleurs.

Thanks! :)
Let me know if anyone has any Ofmega Premier parts in good condition; I am looking for downtube shifters and front and rear derailleurs.

Thanks! :)

Bump! I've got some of these now but still after a front derailleur.

Also Ofmega hubs, a BB and a headset, although I don't think they exist as Premier, so let me know what you have. 😉
Not sure if I can help or not- you refer to Ofmega hubs, BB and headset in your search request, but does this mean that you're looking for Ofmega kit similar to Premier or just any Ofmega hubs/BBs/headsets at all that they made? I have a few items but would like to get a better idea what you're after before doing the work to retrieve them.
Hi thanks for the reply! Trying to understand Ofmega's component naming system is something of a trial. My idea is to eventually put together a build which is largely Mistral/Premier. Of course there was never a complete group of either. :rolleyes:

With that in mind I am looking for what seem to be their higher end offerings, hubs I think Competizione/Super Comp/Mistral would be suited, BB I think has to be Mistral to suit my cranks, and headset maybe Mistral/Master/CX?

Let me know what you have, but no hurry at all. 😊
Thanks for the info clarifying what you need. I had thought I'd quite easily find the Ofmega parts I have but it didn't work out like that in the end. So this meant I put the search on the backburner and put it to the back of my mind, with it only coming back to me after searching for some other stuff and unexpectedly turning up one Ofmega part just recently. And it's probably not worth telling you about it now since it's not exactly what you've asked for. But you did seem to indicate that a main priority was that any parts should be the company's higher end kit. So what I have is a Master rear hub. And just to complicate things, it's built up into a wheel so not the separate hub which you seemed to be asking for, and of course there's no front hub either so obviously not great due to your requiring a pair. And of course there's also the likelihood that since I started the search you've now found all the bits you were seeking, seeing as over two months have passed since then:) But let me know.
Both the Mistral and Premier used Universal Aero brakes with the plastic aero or non aero levers...

LEGNANO-Columbus-AIR-Ofmega-Mistral-1984-60cm-22-scaled.jpg 1985-86-COLNAGO-Mastrer-Ofmega-Premier-Special-Edition-Eroica-vintage-steel-collectible-bicycl...jpg
Both the Mistral and Premier used Universal Aero brakes with the plastic aero or non aero levers...

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Yes I'm looking for those too! 😉
Thanks for the info clarifying what you need. I had thought I'd quite easily find the Ofmega parts I have but it didn't work out like that in the end. So this meant I put the search on the backburner and put it to the back of my mind, with it only coming back to me after searching for some other stuff and unexpectedly turning up one Ofmega part just recently. And it's probably not worth telling you about it now since it's not exactly what you've asked for. But you did seem to indicate that a main priority was that any parts should be the company's higher end kit. So what I have is a Master rear hub. And just to complicate things, it's built up into a wheel so not the separate hub which you seemed to be asking for, and of course there's no front hub either so obviously not great due to your requiring a pair. And of course there's also the likelihood that since I started the search you've now found all the bits you were seeking, seeing as over two months have passed since then:) But let me know.
No the search continues! This is a very slow burn project with no hurry at all. Thanks for having a look for me but I will give it a miss for now as it's only a single hub.