Official Retrobike MM thread - ONE WEEK LEFT

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gump":12v6xrmw said:
sorry - Gus = wu-tangled

Gus = Faff ;)

Anyone know what time the 24hrs actually starts? Am I right in thinking 2pm Saturday? I looked on the official MM site but couldnt find out, must be going blind! ;)
Yep 2 pm it is ;) My training took a serious blow today when giving it large on the set2rise course i hit a root bounced in the air and ended up nearly snapping my left leg below the knee :cry:
It's now twice the size :shock: and i even managed to land on my back in a stingy nettle bush, iv'e got bloody lumps all over me now :LOL:
Pickle":xy3pv6mu said:
gump":xy3pv6mu said:
Sounds bad Heathy. Glad you are not on my team ;)

Hah Hah Hah!!!!

No, seriousy, take it easy Heathy. Hope you mend real quick.

Nice one Heathy - throw them a smokescreen!

Seriously hope you're okay? I don't want a double shift in the dark....

My last training ride tonight - went round the local 25 mile hilly TT course. 40 miles total ride. Pretty happy. Feel strong. Off to the garage now for a fettle. The revamped FRO :shock:
Heathy, as I said after BBF, Ibuprofen is a great healer, hope you're ok :shock:

My training this weekend consisted of riding for 10 mins around in the dark to check my lights work and then eating lots of cake under the pretence of carbo loading. Now feeling fat. :D
Yeah, i had 6 nurofens at the BBF just to relive my bad back ;)
Also the gels pretty good, just remember to wash your hands before taking a piss :oops: SITS last year i did that and lets just say, it stings like F*ck :shock:
The knee should be fine for MM, got 2 big rides booked in for tue and thur night's. That should loosen it up a bit :?
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