Odd Hope quick release design?


Retro Guru
Just seen this - notice the notch on the Hope logo 31.8 part

Never seen one like this, error in design?


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Do you mean the area where the letters OP are printed?
I have an older, I assume as it is old:), Hope seat post QR that is basically the same. the machined groove interrupted by the raised area that a smaller Hope logo is printed in same space. The machining on mine does look smoother though. The design is probably intended to reduce weight without reducing strength.
Oh how strange that I've never seen one like that ever. Yes the "OP" letters that are raised up, every Hope seat clamp I've seen tapers away much earlier like this red one I've attached so the logo is flat & in turn doesn't look so bumpy to the eye. But perhaps Hope did this design early on then changed to a more pleasing logo surface design later.


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I have 1 or 2 Hopes QRs on my other bikes, I'll have a look tomorrow to see if there are similar ones.
Wouldn't be surprised if it's just part of an evolving design.
OK, had a look on one of my other bikes and the Hope QR is the same as your red 34.9 one. The raised part with the Hope logo is approx. 21mm wide. Checked the one I looked at last night, now that I can see it straight on instead of bike being part hidden behind another, I see I was wrong as it being same as your one in OP. It's same as your red one, sorry for wrong info. If you look here https://www.hopetech.com/products/accessories/seat-clamp/seat-clamp-qr/ you'll see Hope have removed raised part entirely on latest QRs.
It’s because of the size of the clamp. All 31.8 clamps will be like that. There needs to be a certain amount of flex in the clamp, so if you had the same machined section as he larger ones, it wouldn’t flex enough to clamp he seat tube.
Thanks everyone, great to hear the extra information as I was unaware of the flex needed to make the clamp work to it's optimum.
Don't think it has anything to do with size, if the correct size seat-post is fitted to frame there is barely any flex required.
If it was to give differing flex as diameters change, why does the red 34.9 above and my 31.8 both have the same wider unmachined bit?
The latest ones by Hope have the groove all the way round so how does that work? Why do the black 31.8 above and my 31.8 have different sized unmachined bits if they supposedly have to flex the same amount? You could just not machine the groove at all but make the band part of clamp thinner to give same flex. There are examples of other makes of QR clamps designed like that. As I said above Hope has just evolved the design, aesthetics, cost, strength and ease of manufacture will all have changed over the years.

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