Observations and true-isms!

Death is nature's way of telling you to slow down.

Money can't buy you poverty.

If all the world's crooked politicians were laid end-to-end between London and New York, most of them would drown.

According to research, 86.37% of all statistics are inaccurate ... including this one!
Don't criticise another man till you've walked a mile in his shoes. That way you will be one mile away and you will have his shoes.
if your other half complains of being fat, tell them to walk 4 miles every night. at least then by the end of the week you'll be 28 miles away from the fat biffa!

Amazingly, her bum never looks big in anything :roll:
If I pay 'X' for something on Ebay, within 1 week 4 identical items will roll through for 'X' minus 50%. Its the truth I tell you :?
It is always the quiet ones :cool: