NWA regional ride: Macclesfield area ~ 08/03/15

drystonepaul":3c6mol77 said:
mrkawasaki":3c6mol77 said:
It better be flat...
The loop through Lyme park is not quite so flat but well worth it.

You can ride that bit for me.

drystonepaul":3c6mol77 said:
mrkawasaki":3c6mol77 said:
It better be flat...
You can bring that Vetta saddle you borrowed three years ago.

Already set to one side - like I thought you'd ever forget about it...

I suggest that anyone riding should bring along some spending money for either a shop stop for a cheap packed lunch or for spending in the horrendously over-priced cafe in Lyme Park.
There are a few pub options too.

Free coffee, tea and biscuits at the workshop before and after if you are well behaved.
drystonepaul":2z4k4e6u said:
from all areas is welcome, preferably riding retro of course.

So what say you?!

It looks like i won't be joining this tempting ride for quite some time yet as 1stly i don't have a usable bike and secondly the one i'm working on isn't retro :facepalm: but the year isn't over as yet and who knows what can happen with a little time and patience ;) ..

Meh! Minor bit of drizzle to damp down the dusty trails...

It's forecast to brighten up by the time we start riding.

See you soon.

A pleasure to make a tentative return to this eccentric old school mountainbiking lark under the expert, if rad, guidance of DSP -

"Which way you wanna go - route A or route B?"
"Which is route A and which is route B?"
"You don't need to know that..."

The group assembled without conviction at DSP's ravey warehouse (complete with a minimalist North Shore trials set-up) in a secret location mid-Macclesfield. All efforts to linger and loiter were aimed directly at the active rainclouds overhead but were to no avail. Reluctantly we squelched out of the car park and hit the canal paths (primarily so that DSP's promise of flat riding met its quota) - whether we would have been drier in the canal than on its banks is debatable, however. Then hills. Hills closer to the rainclouds and rather draughty hills at that. Not a murmur of dissent from the group - the brake blocks did the squealing on our behalf. A brief comfort stop saw DSP beetle off to the toilets apparently to answer the call. I caught him in flagrante drying and shaping his beard under the handrier. The vanity of the man knows no bounds. Back into the moorish landscape, where hoards of wild deer froze and stared us out. The horned ones glintily eyed Pedro, I know not why. More hillage and then deep sludge, relieved by sketchy downhilling over evil, half-hidden pointy rocks. Nearing the ride's end DSP conjured up a tin shed coffee shop from nowhere then pulled back the clouds to bathe us all in radiance. Too late, the damage was done. Overheating and steaming we pedalled back in to the warehouse to regroup and heal up.

As Keith B said of Paul's rides - "Muddy. Wet. Windy. You're getting all three..." It's nice to be back.


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It was a pleasure to welcome you back MrK. I didn't think you were coming until you casually sauntered in to my workshop half an hour late.

I had rather optimistically tried to believe the weather forecast's errant claims that the rain would stop at noon and the clouds would peel back to reveal a warm springtime sun.
That did happen by about 4pm...

The flat route only included one climb up to an altitude of about 1300ft. At least the rain had stopped by then. It was windy and muddy though. Surely worth it though for the descending and the surly dick head at the late afternoon cafe stop?

Anyway, I'm glad that everyone at least pretended to enjoy it.

You are all welcome to sit on my sofa drinking coffee in my workshop any time.

Six riders in total and about 20 miles ridden.