NWA regional ride: Coniston & Grizedale ~ 22/09/13

So far it's looking like:


Anyone else who may be there please so so on this thread.
Yep, I'll be there. It's a great route :D May not be retro though may go FAT :?:
Fat Rich?
As in FAT???
As opposed to Fat Chance? :wink:

That's going to look awesome in your frame size, should be great fun steamrollering over that Lakeland rock too! :D

I'm umming over what I've got a fighting chance of getting ready in time...

So nothing new there then!
A fantastic ride yesterday. 22.8 miles and 3300 ft of climbing Colin :D Cheers Paul.
Anyone else feel like they'd been exfoliated with a cheese grater at the end?

Aside from that and my Mobi blowing it's fuse again :x it wasn't far off a perfect day I'd say! 8)

The scenery, the incredible riding, the scenery... Even the visitor centre lunch was reasonable! :o

No mechanicals, no punctures, no crashes (I don't think?), some great bikes, free parking, tea and Tiffin by the water to finish, just superb all round :D

Some heroic efforts being put in after a brutal National Road ride the day before too - massive respect to all who managed both days!

It was a perfect day for riding yesterday and I always love that particular route. It has such a good combination of natural trails and purpose built stuff.
I'm glad that our small band of riders enjoyed it.

The road ride on Saturday had less favourable weather. It didn't really rain but we spent most of the day riding in low cloud on wet and slippery roads. This probably sounds worse than it was.

The slightly extended route (due to my navigational ineptitude) meant that we actually did just over 47 miles and would have exceeded the 5760ft of climbing the planned route took in.

I was happy to have managed to ride up all the steep passes including the brutally unforgiving Wrynose climb from the east.

With all that climbing in my legs I was surprisingly fresh on Sunday. It's just a shame that it sounded like there were a pair of mating hippos obliviously snoring their way through the night in the Youth Hostel.
Sleep deprivation seems to be an all too common theme with Retrobike rides.

A great weekend though.
A most enjoyable weekend, enriched by the contrasts of two days, road and iffy weather, mtb and fine day.
Big thx to Paul for leading both days and to all the rest you missed a fab weekend

I had to walk some of the passes but as I had not done that before I did not mind :wink:
Only one photo from the top of The Park above Coniston Water.

Taking in the view at the end of a good day's riding.

That detour was a wonderful idea - apart from adding in a sweet little descent, it was great to sit and chill with that incredible view and Colin's delicious chocolate, savouring the great riding we'd already done ... and knowing that all was left was the phenomenal descent all the way down to the water below 8) magic moments!