Now Sold. Seeing if anyone is interested in my Marin Palisades 1991. Bought this bike but very quickly upgraded so it has been hung in the shed roof ever since. The original tyres, seat, sponge grips and overall condition give an indication of how well preserved this bike is. New gear cables were installed a couple of years ago but never used. I can’t get it to go up the gears in rear cog but it will just need a small tweak. I always measured it as an 18inch but looking at the 1991 advert flier I’m wondering if it’s either a 17.5 inch or a 19 inch (not sure how they measured them). I just pulled it down from the rafters, pumped up the tyres and it was totally solid on the road. Would make a great town bike at a fraction of a modern equivalent costs. £150.
Having been educated by a forum member I can confirm this is a 19inch frame.
Having been educated by a forum member I can confirm this is a 19inch frame.