Now Found - V brakes and levers wanted


Retro Newbie
Looking for some v brakes and levers for my first build (Kona Hahanna 1991). I'm looking for something cheapish but workable, not worried about wear or appearance.


I've got a full set of Avids. 1.9 Speed Dials if I remember right (sorry, they're in the garage and it's belting down with rain......I'm not going out there!)
Scruffy levers, the V brakes are a bit better, but they'll need new blocks. Could do piccys later if yer interested. £15 posted by recorded mail. :)
I have some Avid speed dial 1.9's Levers in my thread below and a full set of single digit v's, pads are good complete with cables....can do £15 posted the lot?