Novice project Specialized Rockhopper

Shortened the chain and it works perfectly now.
All finished and yesterday I went for a test ride.
A lot better than expected!
It glides smoothly and shifts beautifully.
Even the brakes with cheap pads are great!
Thanks everyone for your help!
Here are some pictures 👍


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I'm pleased to report that despite an initial rejection, my 12yo boy tried the bike and loves it, especially the gears that on his existing ones are the revoshift.
I now need to get rid of his old one because I have too many bikes.
Anyone for a carrera 14" CTT?
Nice one Jimmy, the only thing I would change is the stem. If you found a comfy position and can get your hands on the right one it wil look a lot better and save you a few grams.
Oh and you can put the brake cables behind the brake arms, there is even a little hook for that on the brake. I think you have cut them just in the right length .
I think it needs shortening, but I await your verdict.

I think you have a 'medium cage' mech which might be slightly limited in its overall tooth capacity - what cassette and front chain rings are you running (in terms of teeth)?

I would NOT shorten the chain personally - it looks about as 'tight' as I would be take it on the big/big, but it is obviously not taking up tension in the smaller higher gear sprocket combinations which sorta suggest you need a longer cage mech for this setup