Not vintage or French, Worldwide Tourers, Campeurs, Porteurs, Audax, Randonneurs, Commuters

Koga-Miyata Randonneur.

Bought as a battle-scarred frame set, rattle-canned and in use as a test bed for parts I find and want to give a try.

Version 1 sported Claris brifters (work well, but the jury is still out on the looks), an Andel compact crank set (nice René Herse clone), Tektro CR720 cantis (meh ...) and a cheap (€100) new wheel set from Taylor, including a hub generator (not too bad!):


Version 2 had Nitto randonneur bars and Campag brifters (comfy!), a Gipiemme triple (kinda cool), MAFAC Criterium brakes (fine) and Lyotard Berthet pedals (excellent):


I'm currently at version 3, with Athena 11-speed brifters (really nice, but not as pretty as the first generations of Ergos), TRP carbon MAFAC copies (a bit OTT, but they brake really well) and an Idéale 90 saddle (lovely):

Very nice.

I'm a big fan of Koga Miyata.

That saddle is lovely.

IMHO, it would look a lot better with silver mudguards.

Never been a big fan of black ones, but each to their own.
Very nice.

IMHO, it would look a lot better with silver mudguards.

Thanks, and I totally agree. There's already a set of polished Honjos waiting for me to do a final build with the parts I liked best with this frame. The Andel crank set probably will be back, as will a set of earlier Campag shifters.

But, black does have its place, IMO, like on this Gazelle Champion Mondial semi-race. Silver just doesn't work quite as well here:

My recent addition to the Taylor Bros rides in the house. A 1983 Super Tourist, first sold in 1990 and ridden less than 20miles. Bought several months ago and only managed to pick up last weekend when down in Stokesly for the Jack Taylor ride. Theres the fully story and details on it's readers ride page :


1983 Jack Taylor Super Tourist by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

1983 Jack Taylor Super Tourist by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

1983 Jack Taylor Super Tourist by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

1983 Jack Taylor Super Tourist by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr