Not just any old raleigh

Oh crap!! Apologies everyone, I thought i'd stick all the photos in one message and delete all the separate photo posts I put up earlier to tidy things up. Only to find I can't delete them and so now I've gonna and posted all my photos twice! Grr! Sorry.
Hi, it's a 19" frame. The wheels are the original so the front is a quick release exage hub I think and the rear is a screw on type of whatever raleigh will have put on it. I'll have a look in the morning to get you the exact details. I can also tell you I've put a new chromoly axle in the back wheel.
I've no idea what the oln width would be but I imagine it's not huge as the rear stays aren't that wide apart and you'll only get a 1.95-2.0 width tyre between the chain stays at the very most. It is a seven speed cassette however if that helps.

Ok I've had a look and the front wheel has an alesa alloy rim but i can't see any marking on the front hub. I've got a feeling when I cleaned the bike up the exage badge came off so I still think it's exage. As for the rear, it's also an alesa alloy rim but I've no idea what the hub is sorry. I'll put photos on shortly.

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