NOS Wildgripper Orange/ NOS Air B tubes

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Bob Marley can do £22 down with no word from seller yet.

Can we do anything about this please mods?
If it's any consolation, I 'bought' a chainring off the boy months back, all went quiet for a couple of weeks (working away if I recall), then he returned & refunded me the money.

Not likely to inspire you massively, but I don't think he's a bad sort as such, just a touch 'absent minded'.

Not making excuses for him as the above is my only experience, but hopefully he'll put in an appearance soon...
come on sonny jim , at least let us know if youre living it up in the sun on our retro savings

already feel daft enough paying £22 for a pair of pink inner tubes...let alone paying £22 for nowt.
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