In that part of the country, you bet they will have 4 wheel drives for rent. Moab is on the other side of the Rocky Mountains from Denver and you have to drive through them to get to Moab. About 50 miles West of Denver, Highway 70 goes through the Eisenhower Tunnel at 11,158'-the highest elevation our interstate highway system goes, and there is Lots of Snow up there. The trip distance from Denver to Moab is 360 miles, and in the summer time with no traffic obstructions it is about a 6 1/2 hour drive-This time of year, it depends on how much snow is falling at the time you are driving-the highway maintenance in the mountains is really good, except during and just after storms, then you could be delayed quite a bit, and your average speed would drop to 25 mph or less, as that is the speed limit when chains are required-However, with 4 wheel drive and snow tires, you won't have to chain up unless it gets really bad, but you will still have to and want to obey the 25 mph limit. A good stash of food goodies in the car in case of delays on the road is a good thing to have traveling in the mountains in Winter, also.