For Sale Noleen shock with ti spring for k2 razorback

Hi, just to clarify, the spring is perfect on the shock, I had hoped I could use it on my noleen shock on my team RTS instead of the stock steel one, but it's slightly too long and slightly fatter.

The reason I'm cautious about posting overseas is down to recent ish experience. I bought a noleen shock from eBay, it was shipped via gsp, but didn't even leave the states. It was deemed a prohibited item and destroyed. When posting I have to fill in customs forms which categorise the item, so there's not a lot of hiding what it is. Gutting. It may be coincidence, but I've had issues with forks too.

If you are ok with the risk, I'm happy to post.
Took me a minute to understand you're intended use. You're referencing the GT RTS (example:,779/setup,39177?page=5 and here: The shock wouldn't fit b/c the RTS is a traditional shock (compress) and not a pull shock. That (and/or) the spring isn't compatible with the RTS shock b/c of the shocks from both bikes are different even though they're made by Noleen. Looks like the spring off the Razerback pull shock is too fat for the RTS and would hit/rub against the RTS/Noleen blow out valve over the shock (?) Also, as you mentioned, it looks too long by about 1/3 unless it's under a lot of preload *if the shock can do that (?) It doesn't look like any of this would be an issue on the Razerback shock mount (here: if I am not mistaken.
I think you've over thought this. Short version is spring from the pull shock is too big (outer diameter and length) for RTS shock ;) it will fit on to the shock, but the od puts it very close to the frame and I'd be worried about the spring under compression hitting the frame.

Anyway, back to selling the shock for a k2 razorback :)
Bump. Open to offers. Ti spring is probably worth it alone, even better if you have a k2 razorback but equally good if you are after a ti spring for a shock, they are so much lighter than steel. I wish it had fitted my RTS noleen.